Summing up this amazing opportunity is crazy hard for me. There are so many memories floating around in my head. I will start out with a huge thank you to everyone involved. From the Bull Moose, to the companions, to the wonderful volunteers that made sure everything was in order, you all will never know how much this hunt meant to my wife and me. An elk hunt has been a bucket list dream of mine for years.
Here is where I want to share the personal side of your awesome group: I never once felt ashamed about my disability. It was totally the opposite. We hunters were encouraged by everyone to shine through our issues. Your volunteers made every effort to ensure that we had everything we needed, and the one-on-one talks that were encouraged helped me heal mentally.
I cannot say enough about the companion hunters that worked directly with me. Myles and Paco made sure to not just take me out and show me the elk. They also educated and encouraged me throughout the entire hunt. The time I had with each of them in the trucks both going out and coming back from the South Fork will forever be burned into my memories.
For all of the volunteers of Wyoming Disabled Hunters I say THANK YOU. You made me feel so much more than I thought I could feel anymore. My wife and I appreciate all of you so much.