It was January 28th it was not a good day I was mad about something. Then Terry called me in the evening telling me I’ve been drawn for a deer tag. I was so excited, I couldn’t remember what I was mad about and I still can’t – I was too excited. So I told my wife we’re going to Wyoming. She asked for what – I told her I got drawn for a deer tag with Wyoming Disabled Hunters and she was excited for me. Then I called my Dad to tell him the news – he was excited for me and I told my whole family the new. It was March when I got a phone call from Neal Boluyt. He introduced himself telling me he’s the deer coordinator Wyoming Disabled Hunters. We got to talking about hunting and my disability about what I can and can’t do. I have Spastic Paraparesis, a walking disability. I was diagnosed in 2020. This disability limited my hunting skills to walk and get around. Neil kept in touch with me every month. I also kept in touch with Scott Smith who handles the deer tags. Neil and Scott are great and were very helpful. Once the end of October came around, my wife and I and my service dog Blue drove from Galt California to Cody Wyoming. We stayed at the Hampton inn. We did get there a few days early to check out the area and to check out Sulfur Creek Taxidermy. Neil did take us around the hunting areas to check out. Once October 31st came we went to the Bull Moose Lodge to meet other hunters and guides and members of WDH where we had to sight in our rifles/bows to be ready for our hunts. My guides Bruce Fauskee and Terry Dolan were awesome and very helpful with whatever I needed help. My 3-day hunt started Friday November 1st at Hawks Hills Ranch. On Friday morning we checked out the property but we didn’t see much except young mule deer bucks 2x2s but not worthy to shoot. So we went back at lunchtime to eat. We went back around 4pm. We did a little driving around. We went to the bottom of the pastures by the creek. I spotted a deer in the brush by the creek. I didn’t know what it was until the doe came out. The deer in the brush then came out- all I said to Bruce and Terry was “horns.” I didn’t know how many horns I just knew it was legal. Then all of a sudden, the two mule deer took off through the pastures up to the hillside. So we drove back around to maybe spotting the deer and we did. I shot it from the backseat at 47 yards with my Ruger American 7mm-08 Remington. I dropped him Bruce and Terry went up on the hillside and brought him closer to me – it was a nice mule deer 2×3. They loaded it in the back of the truck. We took it up the hill away from the ranch to gut it. It was an awesome experience with Bruce and Terry. Then I called Jason from Sulfur Creek Taxidermy to ask him if he could skin it – he said bring it. Once we got there he did his work on skinning the deer and he will mount my deer head. Bryce Fauskee and my wife met us there and Bryce took the deer back to the lodge. In the morning, Bryce and I took my deer to the butcher to be processed. Saturday was just a relaxing day for me. Sunday morning my wife and I and blue went with Neil and Bryce to pack up the deer blinds out on the private properties. Then came back and slowly started to pack up and organize my pick up for the trip back to California. A big thank you to all the WDH members for all their help. It was a great experience for me. This organization is the best for disabled hunters – no complaints and a “Thank You to the owners of the Bull Moose Lodge and to Hawks Hills Ranch. And to my guides Bruce Fauskee and Terry Dolan.