In 2019 I was involved in a deer hunting accident where I fell out of a tree from twenty feet. I became a paraplegic and wheelchair bound. I never thought I would hunt again much less 1,500 miles from my home state of Tennessee. WDH has fulfilled one of the most unique hunting experiences I have ever had. I cannot be more appreciative of the opportunity to hunt in Cody Wyoming!
From the time I was contacted by Terry Skinner that I have been drawn for the antelope hunt I have been nothing but thankful! It has been such a smooth transition from getting my license in the mail to meeting everyone at the Bull Moose Retreat.
I have been thankful for everyone involved but especially for Terry Skinner for coordinating everything throughout the whole hunt and before arrival. Thanks to Myles Haynes for making sure our guns were still on the first few hours we arrived. Thanks to the best guides Bruce and Bryce Fauskee for a wonderful hunt and fellowship. I cannot thank you enough for all you have done! Your generous hospitality and kindness. Thank you for field care and processing my antelope. You guys are the best! Last but definitely not least Bonnie Fauskee the best host mother you could ask for, for taking care of all the food and snacks throughout the hunt. You and the other ladies were phenomenal!!!! I cannot thank you enough for making me feel at home the whole time! This organization is one of a kind and top notch. I have been blessed to make new friends throughout the whole trip!
Tyler Lay