
Consulting petroleum engineer
I originally grew up on a ranch in western Montana. I went to college at Montana Tech in Butte, graduating in 1980, and started a 36-year working career for Marathon Oil here in Cody, Wyoming. In 2016, I retired from Marathon and have been a consulting oil/gas engineer ever since.
Growing up on a ranch, our work was always outdoors. Wyoming people are friendly and outgoing, very much like Montana folks, with the similar mountains and scenery we can enjoy.
I enjoy family and friends, bicycling, golfing, and generally staying busy inside and outside the home.
WDH came to Marathon looking for financial assistance for an Action TrakChair. I was immediately hooked by the two board members, their mission, and simply being able to help disabled individuals get back to their endearing hunting pastime. Seeing the enjoyment on each hunter’s face after they have accomplished their once-lost dream of big-game Wyoming hunting, and knowing that we helped contribute to that joy! Knowing that we helped change attitudes and lives through our WDH hunts is also a huge benefit, for hunters and WDH volunteers alike.
What do you value most and why? It’s simple - I enjoy being able to help others less fortunate.