My name is Melanie DeBusk, my husband and I owned and operated Sunlight Archery pro shop, selling it in 2008. I bow hunt and have hunted in many wonderful places, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, and here in the States. During the 20 some years of owning the pro shop, we both competed in state and national events. I was lucky to be able to represent the US on 3 US Archery Field teams competing Internationally. Have been involved with the Wyoming Disabled Hunters since the beginning and have enjoyed meeting the hunters, guiding, and helping with the kitchen crew. In 2022 went a step further and became part of the board and in 2023, the treasurer.
Living in Wyoming is a blessing that I share with my family and great friends, enjoying the outdoors. Hiking and riding our horses in this beautiful country is hard to beat, and hunting is an experience that people come to enjoy with the WDH group.